Top 5 Reasons To Attend Modern Apps Live! Orlando
1. THE HOW. What sets Modern Apps Live! apart is the singular topic focus; sessions build on each other as the conference progresses, leaving
you with a holistic understanding of modern applications. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity!
2. THE WHY. Modern app development brings a new set of challenges to software developers, designers, managers, architects and team leads
– like the necessity for cross platform development and sophisticated data reporting functions. Learn more about what they are, and how
to successfully overcome them.
3. THE WHERE AND WHEN. In sunny Orlando, Florida in November. What more is there to say?
4. THE WHAT. Learn the latest and greatest techniques in low-cost, high-value application development. Modern Apps Live! is an up-andcoming
event that educates Development Managers, Architects and Development Leads on how to architect, design and build a complete
Modern Application from start to finish with an emphasis on Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), best practices, and supporting tools
(such as Azure, Windows 8, Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server and SQL Server 2012).
5. THE WHO. The collection of speakers brought together for Modern Apps Live! represent the top thought leaders in the industry. Learn
tips, tricks, and techniques from the best, plus our speakers pride themselves on being accessible for questions, networking, and socializing
throughout the 5 day event.